07957 147080

Click the image to visit the organisation

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Confidential emotional support

Image result for mind logoInformation and advice on mental health

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Emotional support for, and practical advice on, mental health

Image result for cruse bereavement care logo

Support for, and information on, bereavement

National charity for road crash victims

Support for alcohol abuse


Telephone and Website Support and Advice

Support, help and information for women and children experiencing domestic violence

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Helplines, information and advice for reporting, recognising and helping prevent cruelty to children

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Help and support in all aspects of family life

Image result for UK Goverment Logo

Advice on what to do about problems at work

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service for information related to employment relations

Image result for Bacp Logo


Accredited by, and a member of, the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists


07957 147080

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TW19 5DJ